John James O'Brien

From "information resource management" to "insight, rigour, meaning" 


Building upon a richly varied experience, I am moving forward and growing through new—and renewed--activities. It's my renaissance, giving back through head, hands and heart while expanding my creative endeavours.

Those familiar with my history have asked what I am up to. Links in the menu on this site and my LinkedIn profile provide some insight. 

Curious about my artwork? Click here. Studio hours and workshops by arrangement. Sometimes, I team up to create street art.

A broad, international service background, through leadership, consulting and board roles, informs my current activities. These are increasingly focused on transformative outcomes in community. 

With partner Rob Tornack, I am Co-Lead of the Oaklands Rise Woonerf (ORW) initiative, now in its seventh year. What's a Woonerf? Carol Sherwood offers this 10 minute video short to share just a part of the story. This placemaking opportunity has transformed an area with reach over some 15 blocks in the Oaklands neighbourhood of Victoria, B.C.

As of 2004, I serve as Secretary, Greater Fernwood Art Stroll (FAS), growing the Oaklands cluster and positioning contact management for opportunities the FAS may build upon in the future.  I find balance in fine arts where preferred media include pastel, ink and acrylic in paintings, monotype and sculptural forms. As part of my One Planet Living ethos, I also upcycle to create art from materials otherwise destined for the land fill. A 2024 project was a contribution to the Habitat for Humanity Restore Victoria Door Auction where proceeds go to that very worthy cause. Click here for a time limited link is here: glad my door was bid well for a donation to this worthy cause! In 2025, we hope to repeat an event of 12 years ago, opening our gardens to support the Victoria Hospice Society.

Why IRMS, and what is IRM?

The shift from "information resource management" to "insight, rigour, meaning" feels right as a representation of values that have always guided my activities. They apply equally to my work intellectual capital /knowledge resource management as to art; writing; community building; interests as a housing provider; educator; coach and consultant. Yes, broad interests. On occasion, I pick up my dom'ra and revisit the eleven years spent with the Victoria Balalaika Orchestra. 

I closed our Hong Kong registered firm some years back, retaining the IRMS domain as one of several I run. While the Hong Kong and Bangkok offices are closed, I remain available as a sole proprietor operating under my own name flying the IRMS banner. Engagements that attract will be meaningful beyond outsourcing of staff roles/decisions, typically think pieces within a leader's discretionary budget. 

I am enjoying the return to earlier years in fine arts and the exploration of ideas through writing. A memoir is underway. 

Explore the links (under the “hamburger” menu at upper right) and reach out if you see opportunities to collaborate or would like to join in creative exploits.